Monday, November 2

oops...i did it again

Well, DDS readers, I’ve done it again. I said I wouldn’t. I swore I wouldn’t. But I’ve neglected you – again.

In lieu of potentially empty promises, I’m going to do what no good marketing guru would advise me to do. I’m going to tell you about all the fantastic food blogs I’ve been reading while I’ve been away from my desk. Eep. Let’s hope Caliban (my unofficial, inhouse PR man) isn’t too cranky about it.

First, from the SMH’s Table Talk blog, Simon Thomsen talks about perving on food from shop windows. Oh Simon, I’m with you there. The first time I went to NYC, I took a kajillion snaps of cupcake store windows, just because I thought they looked so great. And who doesn’t love peeking into a bakery window, or wandering the aisles of a good deli, just to see what they have?

At the moment, I am trying really, really very hard to not eat all the yummy things I love. As I’ve written before, Caliban and I are getting hitched next year, so in an effort to whittle myself down to Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy proportions, I’m giving the good stuff a wide berth. Luckily, I’ve discovered nutritionist Kathryn Elliott’s fab blog, Limes and Lycopene, which is packed with her helpful health info and lots of easy, nutritious recipes. Check it out.

Other food blogs I’m loving right now are Inspired Taste (I’ve got to try their Chocolate Zucchini bread!), everybody likes sandwiches (the title had me), One Hungry Chef (recommended by a friend of Caliban’s – and now I’m hooked) and stone soup.

But enough about them, let’s talk about me. I’ll be back blogging ASAP. Promise. Really. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a chorizo sausage in my eye.

In the meantime, check out my cupcake recipe in the latest issue of Cosmopolitan!


  1. Congratulations on having your cupcakes in Cosmopolitan! That's so wonderful! :D

  2. In-house PR sighs...!

  3. Caliban had you chained to your laptop this weekend doing catch up posts, so PR is placated, for now...
