Wednesday, September 23

bad, bad food blogger

Confession: I am a bad, bad food blogger. How will I ever score a book deal and film option (a la Julie Powell) if I continue in this very haphazard, ad hoc, "I'll write when I have something to say" fashion? The answer, friends, is never. So, I apologise for my bad, bad food blogging ways, and promise to be a better food blogger in the future. Do you think we can be friends again?

If you do (and I hope you do) and if you also harbour dreams of being a bit of a Ramsay yourself, why not contribute to's cookbook contest? The website is running a competition to find the best home cooks from all over the world, so each week, you're invited to submit recipes to fit a theme. This week, it's apple cake and potato gratin.

Meanwhile, things are getting very gastronomic in Sydney right now. The Sydney International Food Festival launches in October (if you can't afford the pricey chef meet-and-greets, the night noodle markets are always a sure bet) and Celebrity Masterchef begins next week. I'm interested to see just how proficient these "celebs" are in the kitchen...but I don't think it will have the same appeal as the regular show.

That's all for now, folks - but stay tuned for reviews of The Arthouse Hotel, Gusto's in Paddington and Japanese hole-in-the-wall Naniwa Tei. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick that needle in my eye.


  1. A food blogger's work is never done! And hope you've entered the GYF comp to win tickets to the SIFF World Chef Showcase! I'm looking forward to Celebrity Masterchef too :)

  2. Thanks for the comment, Helen! Keep reading x
